Hello, My name is Maximo Martinez and I am a High School student taking college classes, such as Freshman Composition. In the class we were required to use this website and post our assigments. In this website you will found my 5 assigments that I did for the class. The first one being a research essay, in which we had to choose from a variety of options and topics to talk about, in which I choosed to write and research about Alain Debottom’s video of “the dangers of the internets”. The the next assigment is a reflection from the previous research essay, and the things we learned from it. After that you will encounter my Analysis essay, were we choosed between a multiple amount of readings about social anxiety and just shrot stories in general, but since we were given the option to analyze a song, I choosed to talk about the song “Human” by Rag’n’Bone. As the last essay we had to write a personal essay, which consisted in linger in stories, or big events in your life that were interesting and relevant. As a final assignment we also had to write a final reflection of the things learned in the course, which consisted in either techniques, or just stories in general.
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