Maximo’s Research Essay Reflection
What I learned from doing this essay is that not everything that you see online is true or accurate, how people use facts to make exaggerated argument and explanation from those facts. The video “the dangers of the internet” by The school of life, is a video that talks about the dangers that cause using too much the internet. He states that internet is dangerous because is addicted because of facts like 9/10 people rather use their cellphones than read a book. But what this evidence says to me is that he states evidence to prove his point without explaining it. Also i learned that internet is not necessary addicted, just more intuitive to addition the internet indeed is not as private or secure as people would think it is or would want it to be, but the reality is that the people watching our search and conversation are the people trying protect us from terrorist attacks either from the inside or outside enemies. The internet is also full of information, and it’s been never as fast or easy to create new information that we can share or learn from it. This can also cause a conflict between historical events and fiction, true vs false, and this is because the internet can’t be fully trusted since what you search and find in the internet is just information put by another human being that either could be saying the truth or not. This is why is our responsibility to stick to reliable sources when researching or learning from the internet, because anybody can post something that might be exaggerated or just not true at all. I also learned how to improve and just overall make a research essay. I learned skills such as how to make a better essay by being specific with the details. How to include stories to your essay so the person reading it could relate or just enjoy it. How to look to the other side of the arguments and say if this or that contradicts or supports my evidence. How to find really good research and evidence that have to do with your topic, instead of just citing random sites.